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World Languages

The East Ramapo Central School District believes that learning a second language is an integral part of the student’s total learning experience and provides a basis for interdisciplinary activity. The student’s ability to communicate in a second language is the primary goal of the World Languages program. The structure of courses is PROFICIENCY-BASED and the course descriptions which follow are intended to indicate what the student will be able to do with the language as a result of instruction within the scope of the communicative and cultural goals.

The HOW WELL component of communication is addressed by the proficiencies that reflect the level of linguistic and cultural competence expected of students at three State Mandated checkpoints:

  • Checkpoint “A” = New York State Second Language Proficiency Examination.
  • Checkpoint “B” = New York State Comprehensive Regents Examination.
  • Checkpoint “C” = Advanced Language Programs including the appropriate Advanced Placement Examinations.

East Ramapo offers Regents level programs in two languages: French and Spanish. Current New York State graduation requirements include a minimum of one unit in Languages Other Than English for a high school diploma.

Students will be grouped by ability; Students intending to pursue a more in-depth study of a language will be placed in Language II Regents & Honors, culminating in Language III Regents & Honors in grade 10.

9th grade students who pass the Level 1 course or the Proficiency Exam will receive the 1 unit of LOTE credit fulfilling the graduation requirement.

In Levels II and III of a language, when fewer than twenty (20) students are enrolled, only one track will be offered. Courses beyond the Language Level III (AP or Advanced) will be offered if warranted by the number of students enrolled.