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Spring Valley High School Guidance Department

The counseling services at Spring Valley High School are designed to meet the educational, social, and emotional needs of students at each grade level. Upon entering the seventh grade and ninth grade, students are assigned guidance counselors who work with them throughout their middle and high school years. The counselor is interested in assisting students to achieve their maximum potential academically while encouraging social and extracurricular experiences that provide maximum personal growth. Our programs are designed to address common concerns—scheduling, orientation, transition, testing, academic issues, and the college selection process—and at the same time provide a highly individualized focus for every student. The counselors are not merely academic advisors—they are trained professionals with interest and experience in assisting students as they face and explore issues that are important to their lives.

The middle school counseling program begins in the spring before students enter 7th grade. The middle school guidance counselors meet with the 6th grade teachers and discuss academic, social and emotional aspects of each student in the 6thgrade. Additional opportunity for dialogue continues at the evening orientation for incoming 7th grade parents, where guidance counselors present an overview of the middle school philosophy. Throughout the 7th grade and 8th grade, counselors make continuous contact with their students via classroom visitations, and individual and group counseling. The counselors facilitate parent meetings with teachers, career speaker workshops, forum groups, and other relevant presentations.

The formal high school counseling program begins in the spring before students enter the high school. High school guidance counselors meet with the middle school counselors and conduct evening information sessions with parents of incoming ninth grade students. Planned guidance activities continue each year. The formal guidance sessions planned for each student is supplemented by frequent informal guidance and counseling sessions on issues of individual concern. The counselors are available for meetings at the request of a student, parent, or teacher and are involved in resolving academic and personal issues for their students. A student may initiate a meeting by making an appointment through the guidance department secretary, or, if the counselor is free, by seeing him or her immediately.

Both middle school and high school counselors are utilizing the Naviance Family Connections guidance office website.  This offers innovative, easy to use, web applications for students and their parents to assist with various tasks such as college / career research and planning. Another component of the high school’s guidance program is group counseling. Sessions will include topics that revolve around academic, career and college readiness.

Guidance counselors receive copies of all progress, academic, and discipline reports. They are in contact with teachers, administrators, and parents and are, therefore, in a position to have a comprehensive understanding of each student in their caseload. It is the counselor's function to coordinate all of the resources in the middle and high schools in order to help students achieve their goals and to have a successful and rewarding experience.

A variety of publications are available in the Guidance Department and College and Career Center. Agenda Books are yearly planners that are given to students in grades 7-12 to assist them in organization. These books also inform them of the rules and regulations of their respective schools. Students are required to carry their Agenda Books at all times. There is valuable information provided in the agenda book that will assist students in attaining success. Students are encouraged to review this information and have a discussion with their guidance counselor and / or parent if they have any questions.