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Future Leaders Academy

We look forward to a year full of academic accomplishments for every student.  In order to ensure a safe and successful school year, all students are expected to abide by our district's code of conduct. Failure to adhere to these rules and expectations will result in appropriate consequences.

All students are expected to:

  • Demonstrate behaviors that are consistent with Tiger PRIDE:
    • Punctuality,
    • Respect,
    • Integrity,
    • Diligence, and
    • Excellence.
  • Demonstrate a respectful attitude towards faculty, staff and fellow students.
  • Deactivate all electronic devices before entering the building and place them in book bags. Visible electronic devices will be confiscated and will only be returned after a parent conference.
  • Dress appropriately every day. Clothing that is too revealing, tight or exposes underwear will not be tolerated.
  • Remove headgear before entering the building and place all outerwear in lockers.

Throughout the school year we will implement a system called Positive Behavior Interventions Supports (PBIS). This system is geared to creating and sustaining positive school wide student behaviors by rewarding and acknowledging students who demonstrate behaviors that are aligned with Tiger PRIDE